6th and 7th Grades Music and 6th Grade Choir

My name is Julie Holly, and this is my third year at James Hart School. I teach Music and 6th Grade Choir. I also sponsor the 6th Grade Choir Ensemble and the Piano Club.

8th Grade Unit 1
The 8th Grade Music students are learning about, listening to, and evaluating the earliest music known to Man. We began our unit learning about nomads and the most primitive music and instruments, followed by the music of the ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman empires, and ending with the music of the Renaissance Period.

7th Grade Unit 1
The 7th Grade Music students are learning about, listening to, and evaluating the popular music in America from the Colonial times through the 1950s, including traditional folk tunes, African spirituals, Patriotic tunes, Ragtime, Blues, and Jazz.
Rhythm Unit
The 6th Grade Music are learning how to read, count, and play whole, half, quarter, and eighth notes and rests. At the end of the unit, each student will write and perform an original rhythmic 8-bar composition.

Intonations Permission Slip
The 6th Grade Ensemble, The Intonations, will be after school practices on Monday, October 1. This group is open to any student enrolled in 6th Grade Choir. Please return the permission slip by Friday, Sept. 28. Thank you!