Panther TV Announcements




Monday, September 16, 2024


National Hispanic Heritage Month
Today’s Hispanic Heritage Month highlight is Celia Cruz. She is a Cuban American singer that has been lovingly named the Queen of salsa music.  Salsa is a type of music that combines Caribbean and Afro Cuban music styles. Celia was born in Cuba and was planning to become a teacher until she won a talent contest and then decided to become a singer. Cruz wrote an autobiography and has won many awards, including three Grammy Awards and four Latin Grammys.  Please click on the links included in this email to learn more about Celia Cruz and to hear her sing.

Chess Club
Chess Club is set to begin on Monday, September 23rd from 2:40pm to 4:00pm in the Media Center. Please pick up a permission slip from Mr. Buksa in Room 35. 
Pokemon Club
Pokemon Club is set to start on Thursday, September 26th in the Media Center from 2:40pm to 4:00pm. Please pick up a permission slip from Mr. Buksa in Room 35. 
Friends of Rachel
Hello friends! Do you want to do projects to make others' smile, spend time with friends, play games, and start a chain reaction of kindness? Then Friends of Rachel Club is for you. You can find permission slips in the main office, or with Mrs. Burr in room 26, or Miss Hackett in Student Support Services. Our first meeting is Wednesday, September 29th, so make sure you return your signed permission slip in time. 
Student Council
CALLING ALL Student leaders! If you are interested in running for Student Council President, Vice President, or Secretary please see Mrs. Cordner today! 
Ukelele Ensemble
Attention all 6, 7, and 8th grade students: Ukulele Ensemble is starting soon! Ukulele Ensemble is open to all James Hart students, whether you know how to play the ukulele or not. Ukulele Ensemble is perfect for those who want to learn how to play, advance your skills, make new friends, and enjoy working together in a team. Please see Mrs. Holly in room 23 for more information and to pick up an application. Thank you! 
Art Club
Students who are interested in joining Art Club this year can stop by Mrs. Mescall's room (Room 82) to pick up a permission slip. Art Club will begin on Monday, September 30th. We will be meeting on Monday and Tuesday mornings from 7:10am - 7:40am in the Art room. Please sign up soon! There are 30 spots open for this club. Please see Mrs. Mescall if you have any questions. 
Beautification Club 
James Hart, is it you who sees a piece of trash in the middle of our hallways and picks it up and throws it away? Or is it you who goes back to your lunch spot and makes sure that you have cleaned up all of your crumbs off the table? Or just maybe that's you who keeps your head up while walking in the hallways during passing periods and notices the beautiful bulletin boards we have? Well if any of that sounded appealing, maybe you would like to join the Beautification Club! The Beautification Club has its first meeting this Thursday after school, in Room 10, located in the 8th grade hallway. Please show up if you're interested, and we will talk permission slips there at the first meeting, no worries. Hope to see you there! 
Panther Pages
Attention all students...Panther Pages starts today! If you are interested in taking pictures of activities, interviewing others, and sharing the latest news PLEASE come to Mrs. Richardson's room 17 after school today. Hope to see you there! 
Cheer Team 
Practice this week will be Monday, September 16th, Tuesday, September 17th, and Thursday, September 19th. Beginning PROMPTLY at 2:45pm. Be sure you have arranged for 4:00pm transportation home.




Tuesday, September 17, 2024







National Hispanic Heritage Month
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, do you know how many countries in the world speak Spanish? If you do know, do you know how to say that number in Spanish? Well, I am not going to reveal the number because I hope you and your Advisory will watch the quick video answering how many countries speak Spanish in the world! 
Speech Team 
Fun fact: The Speech Team doesn't actually give speeches. A little improv, a lot of performance ... maybe some poetry? Find out what Speech Team is all about during an informational meeting Thursday, September 19th from 2:40pm-3:30pm in Mr. Linde's room (Room 86). Please be sure to have a ride scheduled. If you can't make, see Mr. Linde before school for details. 
Chess Club
Chess Club is set to begin on Monday, September 23rd from 2:40pm to 4:00pm in the Media Center. Please pick up a permission slip from Mr. Buksa in Room 35. 
Pokemon Club
Pokemon Club is set to start on Thursday, September 26th in the Media Center from 2:40pm to 4:00pm. Please pick up a permission slip from Mr. Buksa in Room 35. 
Friends of Rachel
Hello friends! Do you want to do projects to make others' smile, spend time with friends, play games, and start a chain reaction of kindness? Then Friends of Rachel Club is for you. You can find permission slips in the main office, or with Mrs. Burr (Room 26), or Miss Hackett in (Student Support Services). Our first meeting is Wednesday, September 29th, so make sure you return your signed permission slip in time. 
Art Club
Students who are interested in joining Art Club this year can stop by Mrs. Mescall's room (Room 82) to pick up a permission slip. Art Club will begin on Monday, September 30th. We will be meeting on Monday and Tuesday mornings from 7:10am - 7:40am in the Art room. Please sign up soon! There are 30 spots open for this club. Please see Mrs. Mescall if you have any questions. 
Beautification Club
James Hart, is it you who sees a piece of trash in the middle of our hallways and picks it up and throws it away? Or is it you who goes back to your lunch spot and makes sure that you cleaned up all of your crumbs off the table? Or just maybe that's you who keeps your head up while walking in the hallways during passing periods and notices the beautiful bulletin boards we have? Well if any of that sounded appealing, maybe you would like to join the Beautification Club! The Beautification Club has it's first meeting this Thursday after school (Room 10), located in the 8th grade hallway. Please show up if you're interested, and we will talk permission slips there at the first meeting, no worries. Hope to see you there! 
Student Council 
CALLING ALL Student leaders! If you are interested in running for Student Council President, Vice President, or Secretary please see Mrs. Cordner today! 
Ukelele Ensemble
Attention all students - this is a reminder that Ukulele Ensemble applications are due this Friday, September 20th. You can pick up an application from Mrs. Holly in room 23. We are also looking for a drum set player and 2 bass guitar players. See Mrs. Holly if you're interested. Thank you! 
7th Grade Homework Club
7th Grade Homework Club has been canceled for today. 
GSA Club
GSA club has its first meeting this Thursday, September 19th in room 52. We will meet immediately after school and please have your ride pick you up at the Hart office doors by 3:30pm.