Welcome to the James Hart Orchestra Program!
The Orchestra Program in District #153 serves all children from 4th Grade through 8th Grade. The program focuses on the development of children's holistic music education through the means of string instruments.
The Orchestra Program at James Hart consists of the following organizations:
The Orchestra Program at James Hart consists of the following organizations:
The Symphonic Orchestra:
Students in 7th- and 8th-grades add many more performances to their orchestra schedule. In addition to concerts, the students participate in the IMEA District I Festival, IGSMA solo/ensemble contest, and every other year we participate in the IGSMA organization contest. We also get a wonderful opportunity to play at the annual 8th-grade graduation ceremony.
The Chamber Orchestra:
This ensemble is a traditional small group ensemble directed and conducted by Mrs. White. This group is extracurricular and focuses on traditional, classical music. This is an auditioned ensemble. Interested students need to audition and commit to the ensemble for the entire school year. There is an agreement with parents and students to which students must adhere in order to remain in this ensemble.
The Take 2 Orchestra:
This ensemble is a very different type of ensemble. This group is extracurricular and focuses on 7th and 8th graders learning a new string instrument for fun. The 6th graders from Millennium will help teach the Hart students the new instrument while everyone playing in the ensemble together. Interested students need to contact Mrs. White in the Fall.
Sara White directs the James Hart Orchestra Program.