School Information » Specials


The Specials Program at James Hart School...

...allows students to gain experiences and knowledge in a variety of academic areas. Each class is taken by every seventh- and eighth-grade student for six weeks each year.

In art, we will look at and discuss major works/styles of art, as well as create our own masterpieces using the elements and principles of design. Students will also be exposed to various artists, art styles, and cultures from around the world.

Creative Media Arts
Creative Media Arts is a 6-week special for students in grades 6-8 in which they'll explore applications and software such as SketchUp, CrazyTalk, Photoshop Elements, Tinkercad, Kodu, Scratch, and Digital Sandbox. These technologies will introduce them to hands-on concepts in claymation, stop motion animation, facial manipulation, video game/website design, video/picture editing, and computer-aided drafting.


The 6th grade Health Education program uses the knowledge and skills students have learned by practicing and applying healthy behaviors in: 

  • Human Growth and Development : Teaches students how their body changes throughout their lifespan, how to care for and protect their bodies in a way that is developmentally and age appropriate.
  • Safety and Disease PreventionStudents will learn and adopt behaviors which will maintain and enhance health. Students will develop specific safety strategies and learn risk factors for disease.
  • Nutritionhelps students understand the vital role food preparation and consumption will have on their health throughout their life. A healthy diet supports the immune system and reduces the occurrence of many diseases. Proper nutrition is linked to learning readiness, academic achievement, and decreased discipline and emotional problems. Students will learn about safe and healthy nutrition habits
The 7th-grade Health curriculum is the study of the reproductive body system and other related topics. The curriculum is abstinence-based.

The 8th-grade Health curriculum covers a circle of topics beginning with self-esteem and stress. The students learn about various difficulties that can occur from an inability to deal positively with these areas. They also learn the power of positive character traits.

Industrial Arts
Seventh-grade students work with plastics, beginning with basic shapes to gain familiarity with the tools used, advancing towards items such as an ice scraper, pie server, business card holder and picture frame, all made with Lexan. Eighth-grade students begin with woodworking, initially designing simple projects such as a hand sander and advancing to projects such as the well known address sign, coat rack, or portable chair. This course helps students gain familiarity with shop safety procedures and protocols. All of these skills are necessary in more advanced shop courses at the high school level, as well as to provide students the knowledge necessary for basic home repair.

6th Grade General Music

This course is a six week survey of concepts relating to basic construction of music, including theory and performance. The class will consist of lectures, activities, and audio visual presentations.

7th Grade General Music
This course is a six week survey of the "History of American Music From 1640-Today". The class will consist of lectures, activities and audio visual presentations.

8th Grade General Music
This course is a six week survey of the "History of Classical Music" from pre-historic times to today. This class will consist of lectures, activities and audio visual presentations.

Your children will experience learning with a wide selection of hands-on, minds-on projects in STEM and applied technology. Project activities link technology concepts to core academic content in a way that’s engaging, relevant and learner-centered. SmartLabs™ meet learners where they are and take them as far as they are able to go.

The James Hart Specials Staff:
  • Tom Jaminski, Industrial Arts
  • Julie Holly, Music
  • Kristin Mescall, Art
  • Katie Nigro, STEM
  • Cheri Pesina, Creative Media Arts
  • Chelsea Jones, Health