Jen Keating » RTI at James Hart

RTI at James Hart

Response to Intervention:
What is RTI at James Hart?
At James Hart our overall goal is to help each individual student and meet their needs, whether it is through intervention or enrichment.  RTI is not only interventions for our students who are struggling, but for ALL students when needed.  Our goal is to create a structure that provides supports for all students no matter the level they are working at. 
Panther time:
Panther time is time built into our schedule in order to meet all of our students diverse needs two times a week.  Tuesdays thru Thursdays, students are able to attend sessions, by teacher or student request.  These sessions may focus around mastery of essential skills, reteaching opportunities, or enrichment.
Math and Reading Support:
  Tier 1 - Core instruction = essential skills taught by classroom teachers
Tier 2 - Supportive instruction = reteach time built into the schedule (panther time, 7th period)
Tier 3 - Intensive intervention = Skills retaught to fill in one ore more grade levels below to allow students to be successful in the classroom 
Math interventionist: Lora Marks
Tier 1 - Core ELA/reading instruction - essential skills taught by classroom teachers.
Tier 2 - Reading intervention class = support of reading curriculum built into daily schedule.  Looks like an additional reading class.
Tier 3 - intensive instruction = time to focus on skill building prior knowledge during the day during academic lab or during time with student in reading class (small group instruction). 
Reading interventionists: Maureen Daley, Ellen Noonan and Nikki Polimenakos,